To:                                                Kim Stanton-Cook

Subject:                                       FW: Reminder: 16 May 2013, AusIMM Geoscience Society Distinguished Lecture Series





The AusIMM Sydney Branch Committee would like to invite you to attend:


The AusIMM Geoscience Society Distinguished Lecture Series


Registrations are now open for the AusIMM Geoscience Society Distinguished Lecture Series featuring Neil Phillips, who will be presenting Exploration for gold: the different consequences of multiple discoveries or lack of success.


Date:                           Thursday 16 May 2013


Time:                           5:15pm for 5:45pm start


Venue:                         Royal Exchange of Sydney

                                    1 Gresham St



Cost:                            Free to attend


Registrations:              For more information regarding this meeting and to register for this event, please click here



We look forward to welcoming you at this event.


Kind regards,

The AusIMM Sydney Branch Committee